Friday, June 19, 2009

Last Day in Belém

Today was our last day in Belém! I’m so sad to go but I’m super pumped about going to Rio with Janice and Laura. I’m actually in their room hanging out right now listening to music and discussing places we want to go see.

Our last day here was eventful to say the least. A few of the girls in our group and I went to Ver-O-Peso to do some last minute shopping. Janice and I went off on our own because we wanted to go to a separate part of the market. I had to get my mom these lantern objects, which aren’t lanterns at all. They’re just paper ceiling decorations. We then ventured to another part of the market to find Janice a tambourine. While we were on our mission, we stopped to buy some jerseys. It was really funny because a guy who worked in the market was so eager to please us. All I have to say is than Janice and I are quite the bargainers. We wouldn’t buy anything from anyone unless they would sell it to us for a cheaper price. Anyways, Janice ended paying this guy for some jerseys and he took off with her money. We were kind of pissed off and looking for where he went. If I saw him I was going to beat him up. But I didn’t have to take it to that level. The little Brazilian man came running back with her change (I guess he didn’t have enough money to break her bill oops!) We did however make it in time to get Janice her tambourine.

After going to the market, we all went to this place that resembled a farm. It was a really nice place though. I really liked how it was in nature and not in a big city. There were chickens running around pecking at the ground and a dock where you could get into a canoe and cruise around in the river. Joanne, Laura, Brit and I were the first to hop in the canoe. Brit and I paddled and we ended up crashing into this wooden object in the water and we got stuck for a little while. Thank god we got out of that sticky little situation. I got some really great pictures but for some reason my computer is deciding not to work. I swear my computer gets PMS and decides to be difficult.

Next, we all went on a short hike on a trail. The trail was really easy to hike, which was good because most of us were in sandals. Being in nature was really nice for a change. I miss being at home and being able to drive somewhere in the woods and just bond with nature. Although the trail was not that long or strenuous, we all still felt a little winded and couldn’t wait to eat lunch. The food wasn’t as bad as everyone was complaining it was.

After eating lunch we went back to the hotel to get ready for our sunset boat trip. I was really worried that it would rain on the boat while we were trying to watch the sunset. The boat we were going on was the same boat we took to the island last week on our beach trip.

The boat left at the docas, which has been a very central location during our stay here. The sunset today was BEAUTIFUL! WOW!!! I don’t know how to put into words the way the sun lights up the sky and how the reflection on the water glows. It really is something you must see in person. If anyone ever goes to Belém I highly recommend taking the sunset boat ride.

The boat ride was really fun! They had dancers again and one of them was our dance instructor on the last boat ride. We went up and down the Amazon and watched the dancers perform traditional dances and they got some of the audience involved for fun. I had a really good time tonight to say the least and I’m really sad to go.

When we got off the boat we had to say goodbye to the people who’s flights don’t depart until tomorrow. My roommate Emily was one of the people. I almost started to cry when I said bye to her. I don’t do goodbyes because they make me really upset for some reason. Goodbye is so permanent and I just can’t handle the stress of going through it. I did want to say goodbye to Emily though. I’m really going to miss her a lot. She was the best roommate I could’ve asked for on this trip. Em-Dogg if you read this- I LOVE YOU!!!!!

I’m also going to miss Raúl, our professor. Raúl has been so patient with us and so helpful. If it wasn’t for him I don’t know how we could’ve survived this trip. Raúl let us go off to do our own thing every night, which was nice but I think I liked having him around more. He is really a great and fascinating guy to talk to. I love how he loves his family and dog so much. He also arranged the coolest events for us to do and took us to some wonderful places to eat. Thank you for everything Raúl!

I’m going to miss everyone come to think of it. Everyone in the group had something special and unique to offer. Everyone was really smart too- I met some of the most intelligent girls I’ve ever known on this trip. I don’t even like writing about goodbyes and this entry is making me sad. I know I shouldn’t be sad because I realize I’ll see these people again, except Dan. Dan is moving back to Chicago. I’m going to miss joking around with Dan and our inside jokes about Summer Heights High. Maybe we’ll all get to see him playing professional volleyball on TV one day.

Anyways, I must go pack for Rio now. I’ll be updating my blog there too so you can all follow the rest of my Brazilian adventure!

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